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作者:王玉娇 发布时间:2022-07-20 22:18:44 更新时间:暂无 阅读:32751 投诉 下载本文

准备工具/材料:装有windows 10的电脑一台,word软件。 在Word文档里转换中英文的方法如下: 1、打开一个有英文段落的wrod文档。 2、使用快捷键“ctrl-A”选择所有英文段落,单击WPS上方的列“审阅”,选择其所属的列“翻译”,然后选择第一列“翻译”。然后右边会出现一个“翻译”显示框,英语会自动翻译成中文。 3、点击文档空白处,选择“插入”,翻译后的中文可以直接输入到word文


网易有道词典软件可以将中文转换成英文。 手机上下载网易有道词典的具体操作步骤如下: 1、在此以华为荣耀10为例,首先在手机上点击打开应用市场。 2、接着在此软件的页面上方的搜索栏内输入“网易有道词典”,然后点击搜索出来的选项中的后方的“安装”选项。 3、等待系统下载完成然后自动安装之后,就可以点击进入此软件的页面中了。


Work experience:
     I graduated from high school until now has been engaged in the clothing industry. I graduated from high school in a small store as an apprentice year,
    Kumite board and make clothing after my understanding on the clothing r&d center (dalian) professional education institute of clothing, 1

    In every link of the relevant industrial clothing. After graduation I in dalian as an individual southwest road play board factory and a pattern cutter. After one year work, feel the need to improve my ability. So I went in 2003 study enrollment identity liaoning art vocational college majoring in fashion design and further study the fabric and garment industrial processes. In school, I successively during a competitive person and bear the student cadre. By the dean and leadership. After my graduation design in guangzhou as assistant 1 year. Due to the home appear serious accidents in September 2006 to return in dalian. A year later I in lily resort to supermarket shopping) (former fwu dry garment production and individual engaged mainly in modified until now. Because of this store resettlement so I decided to find a steady job
     I also use in learning English during the individual leisure and in April in the ielts. Got five points (than domestic English four levels of some high) last year I was in ef foreign language school strengthened 4 months speaking and listening (teachers) although oral English is very fluent exchange but no problem at all. Reading, writing is our Chinese strengths.
    Although I haven't done my orders, but in the two schools are involved in this field. I know the basic process. Another one of my best friends are engaged in the documentary work six or seven years. I told them about the process and some documentary. I feel in my experience can quickly into the industry.
    More than two year I just struggle good time, 28, hoping to find a job in the long-term stability and can realize their life values of your company to create as many benefits



准备工具/材料:装有windows 10的电脑一台,word软件。 在Word文档里转换中英文的方法如下: 1、打开一个有英文段落的wrod文档。 2、使用快捷键“ctrl-A”选择所有英文段落,单击WPS上方的列“审阅”,选择其所属的列“翻译”,然后选择第一列“翻译”。然后右边会出现一个“翻译”显示框,英语会自动翻译成中文。 3、点击文档空白处,选择“插入”,翻译后的中文可以直接输入到word文档中,或者显示框中的中文可以直接复制粘贴到任何文档中。这样,可以快速翻译更多的文档内容,但准确性一般,因此有必要再次检查和修改它们。 4、为了提高翻译的准确性,建议在“翻译”显示框的下栏选择“完全翻译”,自动跳转到默认浏览器打开网页,直接点击“文档翻译”,自动将英文翻译成中文。与原文的翻译相比,网页中的翻译显然相对流畅自然,符合汉语的用法。 5、如果需要获得更高的翻译精度,可以在“翻译”显示框的下栏中选择“手动翻译”,自动跳转到默认浏览器打开网页,然后单击“立即订购”选择手动翻译。


Mother was so tired that she fell asleep as soon as she lay down in bed. 遇到这样的英文翻译成中文很简单,你可以和我一样在手机里安装一个语音翻译器,支持中英文语音翻译和文本翻译两种翻译模式,并且支持互译,翻译速度快,翻译准确率高。 操作步骤: 1:打开手机翻译工具 语音翻译器 后,首先我们选择翻译模式,总共有语音翻译和文本翻译两种翻译模式, 我选择语音翻译模式。 2:选择源语种和目标语种,源语种选择中文,目标语种选择英文。 3:进入在线翻译英语页面,点击最下角的中文标志按钮,进入录音页面开始说话,录音完成后点击完成按钮,开始进入翻译页面。 4:翻译结果页面,翻译结果会以中英文翻译文字和英语语音播放两种形式同时出现,而在文本框中有一个喇叭按钮,点击可以进行重复的语音播放。 5:文本翻译模式,在文本翻译模式下,将中文输入或者粘贴在文本框中,点击翻译按钮,即可得到翻译结果。