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作者:admin22 发布时间:2023-05-06 09:46:05 更新时间:暂无 阅读:0 投诉 下载本文



1.Karie__________(微笑)as she read the label on the box.

2.Dad looked at the paper, with______________________________(他的嘴唇弯成了微笑).

3.Hearing that, Karie grinned from ear to ear,___________________(幸福的浪潮涌上她的心头).

4.Hearing this, Aram______________________________(开心地跳起来), with his eyes sparkling like shining stars(眼睛像星星一样闪烁).

5.Seeing his role model in the flesh, Jayce was___________________(开心到说不出话来) but standhere with his mouth open wide.

6.Our time together______________________________(给她带来开心和乐趣) and she also made my day.

7.When_____________________________________________________(笑声被喧闹的欢呼声和掌声淹没), I pulled myself up in front of an amazing birthday cake.

8.Noticing the kid’ eyes_____________________________(欢欣雀跃), I was held totally in the power of a burst of content.

9.I nodded slightly, and my daughter’s frowning face slowly_________________________(露出了笑容).

10.Looking around the room filledwith my friends, I_______________________( 忍不住微笑).

11.Suddenly she_________________(精神就为之一振),waving her arthritic( 关节炎的) hands.

4. 成长篇有关的惭愧描写:

1. She____________________________________( 被内疚和羞愧淹没).

2._____________________________(一阵愧疚感向我袭来) and I had to admit the fact that I had gone to the movies and that was the real reason why I was late.

3.But while I was outhaving fun with my “friends”, inside I____________________________________________( 充满矛盾、不悦和后悔).

4.Hearingtheir talk on the phone,I___________________( 羞愧得低下头来) with tearsrunningdown my face.

5 . 成长篇有关的绝望描写:


“My mother wouldn’t let me bring it,” I lied,_________________.

6 . 成长篇有关的嘲笑描写:


They_________________with screaming words like “What a finest broken watch!”

7 . 成长篇有关的尴尬描写:



2.On hearing this, Bob became embarrassed,_______________( 扭动揉搓他的手)over and over again seemingly to get warm in this freezing December.

3.Standing frozen as ice, never had I thought about being trapped in such a dilemma that_____________________________( 我感到无比的尴尬和恐慌).

4.After taking a deep breath, I started running, with my cape billowing and___________________________________________( 我的尴尬消散在风中).

8 . 成长篇有关的紧张描写:

1.Meanwhile, Karie sat restlessly in her seat_________________( 她的手指交叉着).

2.She told the teacher the truth,______________( 她的心跳得像打鼓一样).

3. _________________( 不安地来回走动)in front of the the teacher’s office, she finally gathered courage and plodded in.

4. _______________________(咬紧了牙关), like she was holding her words between her teeth as they struggled to get out.

5.Whenever he was near the tiny hole around the corner,_______________________(我的心漏了半拍).

6.Then came the moment, and____________________________(非常紧张), he made his way to the platform.

7. ___________________________(他感到有点紧张), his grandmother’s words seemed to echo inside his head and words just flooded out of his mouth.

9 . 成长篇有关的惊讶描写:

Raising her eyebrows in surprise, Mrs Rossi froze,_______________(仿佛定格在那里).

10 . 成长篇有关的希望描写:

Jayce looked up to him, his eyes______________________________(闪烁着希望和决心).

11 . 成长篇有关的害怕描写:

Iunknowingly( 不知不觉地) avoided interactingwith anyone because________________________________( 我很害怕他们会当面取笑我).

12 . 成长篇有关的感激描写:

I looked at her,___________________________( 感动和爱的泪水)welling up in my eyes.


3 . 成长篇有关的高兴描写:

1.Kariegrinned(微笑)as she read the label on the box.

2.Dad looked at the paper, withhis lips curving into a smile(他的嘴唇弯成了微笑).

3.Hearing that, Karie grinned from ear to ear,a wave of happiness flooding over her(幸福的浪潮涌上她的心头).

4.Hearing this, Aramjumped up in happiness(开心地跳起来), with his eyes sparkling like shining stars(眼睛像星星一样闪烁).

5.Seeing his role model in the flesh, Jayce wastoo thrilled to say a single word(开心到说不出话来) but standhere with his mouth open wide.

6.Our time togetherbrought her great joy and fun(给她带来开心和乐趣) and she also made my day.

7.When laughterwas totally submerged by loud cheering and applause(笑声被喧闹的欢呼声和掌声淹没), I pulled myself up in front of an amazing birthday cake.

8.Noticing the kid’ eyesdanced with joy and sweetness(欢欣雀跃), I was held totally in the power of a burst of content.

9.I nodded slightly, and my daughter’s frowning face slowlybroke into a smile(露出了笑容).

10.Looking around the room filled with my friends,Icouldn’t help but smile( 忍不住微笑).

11.Suddenly shecame alive(精神就为之一振),waving her arthritic( 关节炎的) hands.



