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作者:吴李玲 发布时间:2022-06-30 17:28:35 更新时间:暂无 阅读:14774 投诉 下载本文

In simple term, though I am neutral in life our life pure, but common things in the world can still make me with; I like the wild, but not necessarily can truly idyllic retreat




Afternoon, repeatedly read Thoreau walden, really touched. His words are simple, but his mind is unique. I know that this is a wise old man. I know he age in walden alone, even if die also not "the old man," but he did give me a man only some broad, the feeling of calm and wisdom. He and loneliness, but not depressed. Hes so passionately in love with nature, with childish imagination roam and describe the nature. He actively explore the relationship between human and nature, classical firmly maintain the natural ecological. He believes that human beings only in nature can keep their own pure nature. So enthusiastically retells the goddess of the heart -- walden pond, isnt it in each individual heart should retain a shrine?

I am very contradictory about Thoreau. My man in that he has a gentle and wise at the same time, the mind will always emerge again such a scene: a lonely child, strolling along the lake or roaming in the forest, dont panic, dont show helpless; Looking at the booming luxuriant growth of all, heart full of joy, it seems that he is also involved in the creation, he can grow up. At ease with itself that makes him peremptory became the king of the forest; However he is not willing to above all things, he just want to be the natural children forever.

Yes, he is the child of nature, but this is not a novel twittering and shouted to the world of children. I often caught off guard by his curiosity and calm. He looked at it quietly, whether the noisy city, or silent trees. He quietly thinking, thinking about the great creativity of human being, also think they just me. He is the honour person of mankind. He with a quiet and pure soul, with a noble and head leaning the vast beings of wisdom. Him at the beginning of the industrial revolution and foresee the present situation of the one thousand two hundred years later, his concern with human, contempt for mankind. He is worried that all good things will be along with the development of the people under the utilitarian purpose and dies, the lake of walden pond will also become a memory. Even memory will fade away, until no longer memory.

Before, I thought I could, Thoreaus life. I even try to do that, but I live in a little busy but not is lonely town. I cant get a belong to me, of course it is impossible to have a real landscape, in addition to put on the balcony of tall buildings with various kinds of green plants. In simple term, though I am neutral in life our life pure, but common things in the world can still make me with; I like the wild, but not necessarily can truly idyllic retreat.

Thoreaus walden pond as a lover to love. Because love deeply, so do not allow damage; We are living in a civilized society, was simply trying to save with a 15 dream comfort myself. So Thoreau has a unique temperament and the greatness of different from ordinary people.

中午,反复地读着梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》,确实很打动。他的文本是质朴的,但他的逻辑思维是与众不同的。我相信那就是一个明智的老年人。我明白他在瓦尔登湖独居时年龄并不算太大,就算去世时也称不上“老年人”,可他却帮我一种只有老者方有的广博、稳重和聪慧的觉得。他与孤单为伴,但并不低落。他那么热情地深爱着当然,用小孩一样的想像畅游并勾勒着当然。他积极地探寻着人与大自然的关联,坚定不移地维护保养着当然的古典风格绿色生态。他坚信:人们只有在自然界中才可以保有自身的纯美本性。因此 激情地讴歌着心中的女神——瓦尔登湖,这又何尝不是每一个人心里应保存的一块圣地呢?




梭罗是把瓦尔登湖作为恋人来爱的吧。因为爱之真切,因此 不容许毁坏;而日常生活在文明社会里的大家,只不过是想储存着一种清野的梦幻2慰安自身而已。因此 梭罗便具备了独一无二的气场和迥异于常人的杰出。